Global | New posters convey powerful messages about air pollution and health

“Air pollution kills. Clean energy saves lives.”

“The air your child breathes is like smoking 20 cigarettes per day.”

“Hospitals are leading the way for clean and healthy air.”

L-R: Aarti Khosla (GSCC India), Christiana Figueres (Mission 2020 Convenor and former head of the UNFCCC), Dr. Arvind Kumar (Founder and Trustee, Lung Care Foundation), and Shweta Narayan (Healthy Energy Initiative India Coordinator)

These are among the simple but powerful messages conveyed in a set of artistic posters that Health Care Without Harm rolled out at the First WHO Conference on Air Pollution and Health, October 30 – November 1, 2018 in Geneva, Switzerland.

The posters drew the interest of conference-goers, who included representatives from ministries of health and environment, leaders from intergovernmental organizations, environmental and health advocates from civil society, journalists, and academics. We were honored to meet Prof. Beate Ritz from UCLA, who was eager to share the posters with her students and pointed out that her research informed our poster on the adverse impacts of air pollution exposure during pregnancy. Even WHO staff passing by our exhibit were intrigued and talked with us about the interconnections between environmental health and their specialty areas, including universal health coverage, maternal and child health, and access to medicines.

The posters were designed by Satwik Gade, a Fulbright scholar and graphic designer based in Chennai, India, in collaboration with Healthy Energy Initiative India.

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Click to download full-size digital versions of the images, which can be used and shared freely. Please write to us at if you are interested in printing them.

All of the posters are available in Hindi here.

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