Europe | New campaign to accelerate the end of fossil fuel subsidies to benefit health

via the Health and Environment Alliance

The Health and Environment Alliance (HEAL), the Healthy Energy Initiative’s European partner, is launching a campaign focused on health as a driver to accelerate the end of fossil fuel subsidies. The campaign, which will officially launch in Autumn of this year, builds on the knowledge that fossil fuels such as coal largely contribute to greenhouse gas emissions, climate change and air pollution which harms health.

2016.08.08 HEAL subsidies

HEAL´s new campaign aims to raise awareness among the medical community and to build momentum for the phase out of fossil fuels subsidies especially for coal power generation.

For this purpose and before the official launch of the campaign, HEAL has prepared two documents as introductory reading: a briefing on fossil fuel subsidies and health and a Q&A overview on fossil fuel subsidies and their consequences on climate and health.

To support this campaign, HEAL will be working on the publication of the first ever report on fossil fuel subsidies and health, which will compare coal subsidies with public health spending and support for renewables in a set of target countries.

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